
Jul 21, 2012

RETREAT 2012 (Holy Family Retreat House Lahug, Cebu City)

   "Recognizing my Giftedness and Vocation in Life"

Canvass Of The Society
by: Joey Velasco 

(I'm a bit disappointed with this one because I wasn't able to share it in front of my classmates. But it's better late than never, so I have decided to share this here)

    Upon watching the documentary film, there are a lot of emotions felt throughout. It's just that how selfish I am thinking only for my own sake, what's best for me, what I want and so forth. Not knowing that there are still people who were like those street children and the less fortunate who are more in need than me. I really felt pity on them and to the society where I belong. That behind everything what I have lies different stories from inside. That despite of everything what I have I still longing for more, unlike them they just only want simple things. They just want to have three meals a day and as simple as that. Me,I admit I can't be contented sometimes for I'm still longing for me. But after watching the film, it's really a shame on myself for I can't satisfy myself. And how those kids struggle just to survive.
      And just like Joey Velasco, on his giftedness on painting, I have been using my talents and skills as long as I can. But sometimes ,my shyness part really hinders me but as long as I can it will never hinder me from persuing my goals. That as early as now, now's the time to get out from our shells and let everyone be part of it. And to God be the Glory! 

             Well, we do always have our most striking part. For me, the most striking part of the activity that I will never ever forget for the rest of my life was the last activity at night at the chapel where I sincerely talk to God and was able to listen to myself and even know myself better. It made me realize how important to be still and silent where you can listen to yourself and communicate with God. I even recognize even more what I have such as my talent, family, friends and all of God's creation. I did ponder on the things which I thought impossible to do. I even reconnect with God and was able to set all my worries and burdens after talking to him. And that I'm truly forever grateful with everyone around me and appreciate their presence together journeying with me, for the fist and the last time.


  • Be still!
  • Be still and know that I am GOD 
  • Oh soul, keep silence on the mount of God
  • Let your request be made known to God
  • It is only in our mind where we can come to God
  • My strength is to sit still
  • The stillness of God isn't mere possivity
  • Divine stillness often comes through tRials
  • Be till and hear what God to say thee
  • He is able to speak to your heart
  • Let Him trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon His God
  • When you're rattled, don't rush
  • It is when we are quiet and trusting in God that He can work
  • Be anxious for nothing.
  • Put your hand into the Hand of God and let Him lead you out into the bright sunshine of His LOVE 

                                                                              THANK YOU LORD!

May 5, 2012

Asturias Parish Youth Coordinating Council


Created by virtue of the Observations, Declarations and Statues of the 4th Diocesan Synod of Cebu from November 10-1985 to March 1, 1986. Operating directly under the authority of the parish priest and liaise with the vicariate, district and archdiocese.
Lead the young people in the parish having in a personal way and let them experience a change of mind and heart centered on Jesus, and manifest his/her newfound faith freely, personally and consciously.

Coordinate with the parish catechist ministry in providing basic catechetical instructions using the Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC), highlighting a Christ-centered spirituality, inspired by the examples of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Blessed Pedro Calungsod.

Build youth communities within the youth ministry settings anchored on faith, hope and love for their fellow through activities that promote fellowship and unity.

Equip the young people to effectively respond to moral and social concerns affecting them, their family and community.

Develop and train committed youth to become leaders in their own youth ministry setting, preparing them for future leadership challenges in their adult life.

Animate young people into sincere worship of God in community prayers and personal devotion.
A Youth Council in the parish sanctioned by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cebu. Although we are under San Roque Parish but we adopted the name Asturias Parish Youth 
Coordinating Council (APYCC) for refernce sake.

Like our page: 

Taize Prayer at Calungsod shrine.

Asturias Parish Youth Choir goes to Basilica 

Inside the Magellan's cross

Taking some pictures after singing during the mass

Talk with our adviser during Summer Youth Camp 2011

With our Parish Priest. Picture first before going to Argao, Cebu for the 2th Local World Youth Day

Participants and delegates during the 26th Local World Youth Day

After our Lenten Recollection

This was during the Local World Youth Day

After Via Crucis 2011

Pilgrims from different Districts all over  Cebu

Flores de Mayo Activity every month of May

Last year's Parish Anniversary 

We made this one. During Flores de Mayo

Mama Mary's birthday

Barkadahay 2011 participants from District 5

This year's Summer Youth Camp

Our Christmas party at the beach

Journey of the cross and Icon

Taize prayer altar. Proudly I've designed this. :)x

Journey of the Cross and Icon from Tuburan, Cebu to Asturias, Cebu

Summer Youth Camp 2012 representatives from different barangays here in Asturias.

This is us. Our different activities. We are the youth. We are young. We are the church. We love to serve. We made our Parish more alive and active. And  others says, we are naughty? Maybe we are cause we're young. But, we are who we are. We made something that they can't. We proved to them that they are wrong. We can't do everything but we can do something. Standing firm in faith doing all your woks in love. "Complicated man ang status, love gihapon ta ni Jesu"

The Beauty of the South

This was been my captured pictures during my South Tour at different places in South Cebu. I hope one day one of you will visit one of these wonderful sites here in Cebu. Very eco-friendly, away from stress and very relaxing places. It's very affordable and convenient. Truly I can say,