
May 4, 2012

Just wondering I should give up or keep going?

I always make them believe that i possess the worst attitude, because that's the only way i can protect myself from the hurt and pain caused by anyone. Lord, give me wisdom to walk the right way and strength to rise above the things that would pull me down. just because I'm not talking, doesn't mean that I'm in a bad mood. Sometimes I just like to be quiet. My status wasn't about you, perhaps you should ask yourself why you assumed it was. Everything happens for a reason, live it, love it, learn from it! has finally discovered what is wrong with the Male brain: On the left side, there is nothing right, and on the right side, there is nothing left!
"make an effort not an excuse" you made me feel special and i started to fall for you, but now you ignore me like i was never there? ='( I am in love with my dreams, because it is the only place where I get what I want in life. <3 <3 <3

I've got a lot on my mind, even more on my heart, but I don't have the words to explain what is bothering me so I'll just sit here with a blank expression
Blessed to have known you, twice blessed to have loved you, and thrice blessed to have been loved by you
I'm a simple person, who likes simple things and live a simple life. I hate it when people lie, especially when you know the truth about what they are lying about. I have tried to understand you, But you have always proved me wrong, You have been the great pretender, And I have been a fool too long I'm that girl that doesn't like the guy every other girl finds hot, but the sweet one that is overlooked by everyone else.
Just because I'm giving up , doesn't mean i don't care . It means I'm tired of giving my everything & ending up with nothing . I don't ever want us to let go of each other maybe our paths will go in separate directions, but that won't change the bond we share and what's in our heart and maybe I push you away to see if you care enough to pull me back.

Words mean nothing. Actions mean everything!
Don't walk into someones life if you intent to leave them

I can't decide what's worse: Letting Go or Holding On
Don't tell me you understand because you don't.
has decided not to waste my time on the wrong people.

Credits to the owner. :)x

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